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Our Lady of Lourdes National School, Inchicore, Dublin

News - 6th class: Mr. Dillon

26th Jun 2024
6th class celebrated their graduation today. It was such a proud moment for our school and for the families of the children. The children sang songs, retold stories from the last 8 years. They had a wonderful display of the books they published during the year. There is such a high standard of work.
We watched a slideshow of pictures which shows just how far they have come since junior infants. We wish them all the very best for the next chapter. 
6th Jun 2024

We were very lucky that Mr Moriarty entered a competition to win a gymnastics teacher to come into our school for a day recently.

Our children thoroughly enjoyed the activities as you can see from the photos below 

19th Mar 2024
Our 6th class are on News2day today to speak about the launch of their books they have published. The launch took place in Trinity college. 

This is my content 
6th Mar 2024

Our 6th class are very lucky to be part of the Bookmarks Programme which is a collaboration between Trinity Access, the Library of Trinity College, and the School of English in Trinity College. The programme sees primary school children from their partner primary schools in Dublin write and illustrate their own books over a period of two months. This is facilitated through the support and guidance of authors, artists and children's literature specialists. The programme culminates with the publication of these books in an exhibition in the Old Library of Trinity College. The project aims to inspire children to become the next generation of storytellers and artists - in short, to tell their own stories and imagine the future. 

15th Dec 2023

Our yard has been a hive of activity for the last few days. Some children from 4th, 5th and 6th have started to make use of the natural materials around our yard to make dens. There has been some amazing teamwork as they problem solve their way through the construction.